International Conference on Digital Economy Management and Innovation (ICDEMI 2024)


Call For Papers

The International Conference on Digital Economy Management and Innovation (ICDEMI2024) is to be held against this backdrop. Scheduled to be held in Dongguang,China on Dec.6-8, ICDEMI is an international academic conference that focuses on the management of Digital Economy and how it resembles and differs from traditional economies. It will navigate the academic landscape of the discipline and address the challenges faced by researchers. The ICDEMI aims to create a community where members can engage in meaningful dialogues about the intricacies of conducting research in Digital Economy while promoting the industrial application of academic findings.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Digital Economy

Artificial intelligence and the Internet economy

Data processing in economic management

Blockchain technology and regional economies

Digital currency


Economic management

Economic growth and technological innovation

Information economy

Big data economy

Artificial Intelligence and Network Economy

Engineering economics and Cost Analysis

Econometric Models and Empirical Problems

High speed infrastructure

Development and growth of artificial intelligence economy

5G Industrial Economic Development

Internet of Things and Urban Economy

Resource Environment and Ecological Economy

Big data and Network Economy

Blockchain Technology and Regional Economy

Management Science

Blockchain and cloud computing

The electronic commerce

Management information system

Big Data and cloud computing

Wisdom city

Management science

The administrative management

Social management

The financial management

Intelligence management

Business management

Business enterprise management

Human resource management

International operation and management

Strategic human resource management

Operation and Management

Customer relationship management

Business operation and management

Enterprise development and strategic marketing

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Decision making and business models

ICT and Management applications

Business administration

Business management

Management science

International business management

Enterprise Business Management

Enterprise Marketing Management

Enterprise Trade Management

Price management

Strategic management

Business Planning Positioning

Commercial Operations Management

Business Investment Management

Customer management

Entrepreneurship Management

Human Resources Management

Financial management

Supplier Management

Asset management

Brand management

Organizational management

Business management software

Data management

Management information systems

Management model

Business analysis

Management Innovation

Economic system


Financial Development and Innovation

Digital Content and Green ICT

Information and Attention Economics

Production, distribution, and sharing of information products

Pricing Information Product

Multilevel Governance of Digital Space

Security and Privacy

Departmental economy

Open Network Economy

Globalization and inequality

The Future Direction of the New Economy

Information Management and Sustainability

Data Analysis and Modeling in Economic Management

Network Channel Customer Relationship Management

Electronic Collaboration and Electronic Services

Business research methods, policies, and strategies